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The large photo of Michael Praed
above is just a small sample of what you can get through the Michael
Praed Network. You'll see more in these web pages labeled with an "M".
MPNN is the only fan club sanctioned by Michael. You can also check out
the Spirit of Sherwood
site. Chris has been reworking the SoS website, so if the link is
not working, you can email her at ChrisRHood@aol.com.
For those of you interested in Michael Praed fandom in Japan (or if you
just love looking at great artwork of him, try Atsuko's new site at http://hismajesty.faithweb.com/index_e.html
He is currenlty lives in England
with his wife and two children, Gabriel and Frankie. On our last
Michael page you'll find out what his latest project involves.

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Last updated February 28, 2006